Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Fingerless Mitts

 Henry really, really, really wanted fingerless mitts. Since I finished Peter's birthday ties I said I would knit him a quick pair. Henry picked out this yarn, Neon Stripes from Red Heart Yarns. It's kinda scratchy, but it is hardy and knits well. I think it'll be able to take what Henry can dish out.

The pattern is Maine Morning Mitts by Clara Parkes. Very easy. For the thumb I did pick up 6 stitches instead of 4. Knit one row then on the second I decreased twice. This pattern is quick and took me only 1 day to knit.
With the leftover yarn I am knitting up a quick hat for Henry to wear with the mitts.

It's currently 80 degrees outside, but Henry is wearing the mitts. I'm guessing he likes them :-)

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