These Christmas Tree ornaments were easy to make and cute. Of course, you can personalize them with your choice of sequins. This particular one I made for my dad. I also made 6 or 7 more for gifts. Those were given to teachers and friends.

For some reason the website that I got the pattern at no longer has the pattern available.

I made
Lion Brand Yarn's Easy Triangle Shawl. It is supposed to be made with two skeins of Homespun. I happen to like the feel and colors of Homespun but I made this shawl with Wool-ease thick and quick, color charcoal. Plus I wanted it to be longer then the pattern so I ended up going through the pattern rows three more times...I think. It seemed to take forever so I call this my endless shawl. My sis-in-law liked this shawl so much that we gave it to her as a Christmas gift.

I had fun doing the crochet cast off that this pattern calls for. I am thinking about learning to crochet. Right now all I can do is crochet a chain.

For the same sis-in-law I made a Little Black Clutch. Quick and fun pattern and I think it makes such a cool gift! This one has two decorative buttons. I also sewed a snap closure on the inside (I did this on the one I made with the bee pin.) One of these days I will get around to making the longer one for me in gray :-)

For a friend of mine I made this cowl. I liked the pattern because it was pretty easy and it was my first cowl. I found the pattern on
Ravelry. The yarn is Patons Decor and I still cannot remember the color.
I'm knitting a couple of other things right now but it is slow going. I'm tired. The kids and I got sick again right before Christmas. I'm still fighting this cough and I don't have the energy for much. Still missing my mom like crazy and not having her around to ask questions of almost puts a damper on knitting. I'm trying to be chipper though. Through the Random Acts of Kindness group on Ravelry I made a new friend that brought to my attention a group for knitters that have lost their mothers. It has been nice to go on there and chat about my mom. I love that there are people out there that feel exactly as I feel. I miss having little knit gifts from my mom. I just miss my mom.
Okay, okay, okay. Time to stop being maudlin.
Happy New Year!
1 comment:
Thank you! The ornaments took about an hour for each side. They were really rather easy and the result is so cute. I found the pattern on Ravelry. For some reason the website that has the pattern no longer has it up.
My goal for this year is to try to crochet something. I just need to find someone to teach me!
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