Hi Everyone! It has been a couple of months since I last posted here. I was trying to be so much better at writing and posting about knitting, life, etc. And then...
And then May hit and with it came a month of unending anxiety. And yes, I suffer with anxiety every month, but May decided it really needed to Bring It On.
During May I didn't read anything new, I barely knit, and I tried not to socialize with anyone. At the same time, I knew that what I was feeling wasn't right. So I did manage to take my meds. I still tried to read things even if they were only things I had read before and knew wouldn't spike my anxiety any higher. I still managed to knit a small amount, but I didn't get the same joy out of the experience.
Towards the end of May, the anxiety cloud started to clear back to what is my "normal" level. Looking back now I can barely recall the horribleness of the head-space I was in. At the time...it was overwhelming.
June has not been the crazy sea of anxiety that May was. I've knitted, I've crocheted, I've read a few new books. I've had a couple of days where I can feel things creeping up, but there are certain mind games and distractions that I try to play with myself to keep from plummeting.
Anyway!! That is the state of my head right now. One of my goals for this year is to write here more often. If you've stopped by here before, or if this is your first visit, hopefully you'll come back and check out the crazy that is me.
Peace, Love, and Be Kind.