Nineteen holiday cards so far! Every time I look over at them I smile. It is such a simple thing, but it makes me feel good.
I joined the holiday card swap in my lsg group on Ravelry. Each person on the list sent as many cards as they were able to the people below them on the list. There were a mix of countires, although the US had the most sign-ups. I sent to Canada, the UK, France, Germany. I wish I could have afforded more international postage because I would have sent out more.
The kids and I have had fun opening the cards and hanging them up. I think I am getting far more excitement out of it than they are though. I remember being young and my mom hanging all the christmas cards on the curved archway between the living room and family room. Perhaps that memory is why I love getting cards so much.
Here are some close ups of a few of the cards...
Our group is very much a 'not safe for work' group and this card summed that up nicely! Our card swap did offer a 'family safe' option if needed.
Santa from Hawaii! I liked getting a card that identified the state so easily.
Canadian bears wearing sweaters! This card got everyone excited the most. We really love Canada in this house. Please adopt us, Canada!
It's a knitting/crochet/fiber group, of course you gotta have sheep!
My hands are currently covered in glitter from opening and hanging up today's cards. I'm sparkly, dammit!