Not much new to report in the knitting realm of my life. I've been working on my sock. I've turned the heel and am working my way to the toe. Right now, the sock has been set aside because I am working on Easter sweaters for the kids. Yup, I'm making three sweaters in one month. To be fair, the sweaters have short sleeves so there isn't as much knitting. I've finished Henry's sweater and am a good way through Irene's. I do need to get three buttons for each, but I am going to make the trip to JoAnn's once all the sweaters are done. Then the kids can pick out what they would like. I also want to knit myself a shawl to wear for Easter. I haven't taken on too much...have I?
The last couple of days we've had beautiful weather. It is crazy to think that last week at this time we were at 27 degrees and so cold!