Once again I've participated in another swap on Ravelry. Again, it was in the A Swap In Time group. I managed to be the first person to send out their swap package. That was because we were in the middle of moving to our new town and I wanted to get the package out before we moved. In return the first week we were in our new place I received my package from a sweet woman in Australia. Funny enough, I had her as my Summertime Swap partner. Is all this swap talk confusing? Yeah? These next few pictures are of the wonderful package I received. Sock yarn and a wool/soybean yarn that I've already started knitting with.

Tea, books, a magnet, lotion and much more just for me :-)

Australian play money for Henry, a Kangaroo for my Roo, a Koala for Gavin and a Koala puppet.

A handmade bag for me! It is huge and reversible. Perfect for knitting projects.
Below is the market bag I made for my partner. As usual, I forgot to take a picture so my partner, Sue, let me use one of her pictures. This is Tofu and he is so kindly modeling the bag. The pattern is the Ilene bag and can be found on Ravelry. Yes, I'm too tired and lazy to put in links to things today. I did include some goodies in Sue's package. Coffee, yarn (that I sooo wanted to keep!) a music CD, stitch markers...and stuff I can't recall now. I need to start taking pictures of these things!

I'm still working on the baby afghan that I was asked to make. It is taking forever and all I want to do is knit other things. I've got to finish it this week though. Wish me luck!!