I felted the bag and after it dried I added the sparkle apple button. Overall, I think it is a cute knit. Of course, I see problems will the construction of the bag...the pocket is not straight. It was made with love and I am hoping it is taken that way.
I also decided to be an "Angel" for another swap on Ravelry. This swap took place long before I had joined the group but when I read that the woman had been waiting over six months for her packaged I knew I had to help. I didn't really follow the rules for that swap. I decided that since she had waited so long she could have what she wanted. She lives in the UK and likes Caron Simply Soft yarn which is not as easy to get as it is here. I bought six skeins of it in two colors that she wanted. I also included a Hello Kitty coin purse since she collects Hello Kitty stuff. Then I added in a bar of handmade soap that was made in my town and postcards showing my town. I also put in two packets of coffee. One was Mackinac Island Fudge flavored and the other was an "up north" flavor but I can't remember what it was. Of course, I keep forgetting to take pictures of the swap packages. I need to do that with the next one!
I did include a knitted item. This is the Rollercoaster Triangle pattern from Ravelry. The pictures are not very good but it is knit in six rows of stockinette stitch and six rows of reverse stockinette stitch. There are some increases and decreases in there as well. I did not block this when I finished. I decided it was pretty cool looking as it was. The yarn used was Zitron Trekking (XXL) which is 75% wool and 25% nylon. It was a little rough and I'm sure it would have softened up after a bath.