I am rather fond of Lion Brand Homespun. I know it isn't "pure" and all that but I love how it feels and looks, so warm and cozy and comforting. There is a color out right now called Florida Keys that I love. It's a gorgeous green color. One of these days I will spend the money for 4 skeins of it and knit myself a shawl.
I am knitting my sister-in-law a scarf for her birthday. Her birthday has already passed but I was short of funds right before it and couldn't buy the yarn. I picked out a lovely cotton/silk blend that will make a great spring/summer/fall scarf. The yarn is Somerset 85% pima cotton 15% silk by Plymouth Yarn. I cannot remember what color this is but I thought this was a great neutral color that will go great with jeans. My sister-in-law especially likes magenta but I couldn't find that color. 
Here is the new pattern. It is going much faster too and I love the way it looks.

I admit that it is a little heavier looking than the other one but I like it and am willing to give it as a gift.
Last week everyone loved my knitting bag and asked if I made it. I did not. In fact, it was a gift from my dad one Christmas probably ten years ago. Does anyone remember Monica Lewinsky?
I've had this pattern for a while. I found it online and thought it'd make a pretty scarf. Then I started it...and hated it. I've worked on it for a week and the longer I worked on it the more I disliked it. Last night I ripped it completely out and started with another pattern that I found on ravelry.
Here is the new pattern. It is going much faster too and I love the way it looks.
I admit that it is a little heavier looking than the other one but I like it and am willing to give it as a gift.
I've given up on making baby booties for my friend Shannon. I tried three times and each time there would be a major mess up somewhere in it. Plus I hated the yarn. Hated it. I feel bad about not finishing the gift for her but she got a lot of baby socks so I'm not afraid of her feet freezing. I did make her a sweet baby bonnet and one of the knitted bunnies.
I've also started my first sock ever! My mom had to start it over for me because I misread the pattern but it is officially started. I'll keep ya posted on how it goes. Expect some cursing ;-)
I finally made it to the knitting group. I can't remember if I've written about it before, but a mother from my MOPS group has knitters and crocheters over once a week. We all bring our kids and they play while we knit and talk. Unfortunately I didn't make it this week since Irene was having a bad day and needed a nap and Gavin suddenly developed a rash.
How about the knitting bags she was making and selling? Yes, this is a "Monica" bag. Made especially for me by Monica...or so the tag says. It is actually a nice bag and I've used for many things including a diaper bag.
Does she even make these anymore?