Sunday, February 28, 2010

I Did It!!!!

Yes, I did! Despite having caught the children's icky, nasty cold, and feeling like I would like to sleep for a year, I have finished the Skull Illusion Scarf. Therefore I have competed and finished the Knitting Olympics in the allotted time. I'd like to consider myself a gold medalist.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Little Knitting Help

A couple of weeks ago we were in Grand Rapids. My husband was about to go back on the road but we had some extra time before he had to leave so we went to the mall. At Barnes and Noble I found this knitting help and project pack. It was originally priced at $22.95. I got it for $6.95!
Inside is 25 knitting projects, a book of instructions, plus a blunt end needle. I am thrilled with this purchase! It has a baby blanket pattern that is going to be my neck project after the Knitting Olympics is over. My friend will be having a baby in less than 15 weeks so I will have to move fast!

When I was at the counter buying this the saleswoman asked me if I knitted. I said I did and she told me about the knitting group that was meeting that night at the bookstore. They meet every other Tuesday night. Oh, how I wished I could have joined them! Unfortunately, living two hours away prohibits that.

A Scarf For Me

I decided to knit a scarf for myself. It picked out Vanna's Choice for Lion Brand Yarn in seaspray mist. Green is a favorite color of mine and this lovely shade made me think of spring.
I used the pattern from Yarn Harlot. I found the pattern rather easy which is great since I do not have anyone helping me with my projects anymore. I cast on 42 stitches instead of the 26 the pattern calls for. My scarf turned out wide and I love it that way. I got the chance to wear it out while it was snowing. It keep my neck warm and snow free!

A picture of me wearing my lovely hair is so frizzy in this pic!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Knitting Olympics

I have joined the knitting Olympics started by Yarn Harlot. Basically you cast on your new knitting project as soon as the flame is lit. Then you have the next 17 days to finish your project. I am making the Skull Illusion Scarf by Ysolda Teague. I am using Lion Brand Yarn Wool Ease in oxford grey and grey heather. I will update on how it goes!
Edited to add...I fixed the links so now they work!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

My Brag Book

For the life of me I cannot get the slide show feature to work on this blog. It always comes out way to big or it tells me there are no pictures. So instead I am posting my pictures of past knitting projects. Now I am not saying I am an expert knitter. I am no where even close. I just feel like sharing them.Two hat and bootie sets that I made for Gavin.The sweater, bonnet, and bootie set that I made for Gavin. The pattern is beautiful and the yarn reminds me of the lake. I got compliments every time Gavin wore it.I actually made this for Henry back in 2005 but he never got to wear it. Now it is Gavin's.
Our Christmas stockings. This not a good picture of them. I also made them for Christmas gifts for my family this year. I think I made 15 of them just for Christmas gifts. I used a burgundy color for the body and used rose and cream for the top. I was going to take a picture of them when I finished but never did.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Hello and welcome to my knitting blog. I used to watch my grandma knit when I was young. I loved how fast her needles went and the click clack sound that they made. I have been knitting awhile but I am not very advanced. I have a ton of projects that I want to do but I am in need of some help and pointers. I am hoping to meet other knitters of all skill levels and that we will be able to relax, share, and KNIT!